New Play Park for New Milton

New Play Park for New Milton

The proposed new play park at Doe Copse Way is the next phase of New Milton Town Council’s major investment programme to provide high quality children’s play facilities across the town.

The proposals on this site will offer a wide range of play equipment for up to 10 year-olds increasing the existing park size but ensuring it fits sympathetically within its surroundings.

Over the next few weeks we will be consulting with the local residents and importantly children on the final choice of equipment and layout. Plans of the park will be displayed on site, at the Town Hall and on our web site

The budget for the new park is £93k and I am delighted to report that the project will be funded entirely by Developers’ Contributions from Section 106 monies, not by the local rate-payer; therefore, our precept is not affected.

All being well we hope to start the works this summer with a completion before the winter.

Cllr Geoffrey Blunden

Chairman Amenities Committee

New Milton Town Council



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